ICNL Annual Report 2019-20

There is no doubt the final half of 2019–20 will be remembered for many years to come as the time when Australia and the world faced a highly contagious, life-threatening virus. It would be remiss of me not to mention that 2020 also marked our 25th year of service to industry. Our long history of … Continued

ICN Limited’s Annual Report 2011-12

Numerous global economic issues and the strong Australian dollar accounted for the challenging climate in 2011–12. This year also saw an increase in the running costs for businesses, and we will start to see the impact of this in the next financial year.

ICN Limited’s Annual Report 2010-11

The aftermath of the global financial crisis, the resources boom, a strong Australian dollar, a potential price on carbon and a multi-paced economy—the environment that Industry Capability Network (ICN) Limited operated in 2010-11 was indeed challenging.

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