22 Nov 2022

Business Capability Building Workshops

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Start Date: 22 Nov 2022

Start Time: 3:00 pm

End Time: 6:30 pm

Location: The North Ipswich Reserve Corporate Centre 43 The Terrace North Ipswich


ARTC Inland Rail and Industry Capability Network (ICN) Queensland are holding business capability building workshops to help local and First Nations businesses get ‘Inland Rail ready’ in preparation for upcoming supply opportunities.

Attendees will learn how:

  • to create a business profile on the ICN Gateway supplier engagement platform that presents their business capabilities in the best possible light to construction contractors
  • to register interest in supply opportunities with construction contractors
  • ARTC Inland Rail and construction contractors use information you provide in your ICN Gateway business profile

Attendees will also have access to one-on-one support and practical tips from ICN Queensland and ARTC Inland Rail representatives at each event.

Come along, build your network and take steps to grow your business.

ARTC Inland Rail and construction contractors uses the ICN Gateway supplier engagement platform to find suppliers for Inland Rail project opportunities.

These business capability building workshops are being delivered as an initiative of the Inland Rail Skills Academy (IRSA).For more information about the IRSA, please phone: 1800 732 761 or email irskillsacademy@artc.com.au

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