27 Oct 2022

UTS Innovation Masterclass: Strategy and Business Models

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Start Date: 27 Oct 2022

Start Time: 8:30 am

End Time: 12:00 pm

Location: University of Technology, Wing Building, Level 8-room2, Building CB08, 14/28 Ultimo Road, Ultimo NSW 2007

This masterclass, one of six included in the 2022 SME@UTS innovation series, will provide you with an introduction to strategy and business models. In particular, how you can use strategy and business models to create value and drive product and service innovation.

In the first half, we will discuss the sources of competitive advantage and contemporary business model design. You will learn about processes and practices, as well as the tools you can use for business modelling.

In the second half, along with practical examples, we allow lots of time for you to apply the learning and work on your company’s strategy. You might want to bring a few team members to collaborate with, pens and notepads. We will provide the worksheet templates for you to work with.

This masterclass is presented by A/Prof Jochen Schweitzer, Director of Entrepreneurship at the UTS Business School.

Join us to:

  • Learn about Strategy Diamond and Business Model Canvas frameworks
  • Find out how other businesses use strategic business model innovation
  • Discover the role and importance of strategy for innovation
  • Practice tools and techniques to assess and review business models

Bring your team! Feedback from previous masterclass participants tells us:

  • 70% found that the masterclass stimulated new ideas
  • 60% walked away with insights into the potential of innovation methods & tools
  • 60% are likely to use the learnings to drive strategic innovation initiatives

Associate Professor Jochen Schweitzer is Director of Entrepreneurship at the UTS Business School. He also serves as the Faculty Director of UTS’s Executive MBA and the Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Honours).

Trained as both an engineer and a social scientist, his work focuses on strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation issues with a special interest in design thinking, emerging technologies, and the future of work. Jochen was Visiting Scholar at Stanford University and Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) School of Design Thinking at Potsdam University. He has taught at the UTS schools of Design and Architecture, Macquarie University, Shanghai University and Sydney School of Entrepreneurship.

Prior to becoming an academic, Jochen was a Principal at PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Strategy practice. As an expert advisor, he provides insights into emerging trends, alternate perspectives and fresh ideas to several private and government organisations. Recent advisory roles included growing corporate innovation capabilities, developing strategic innovation performance, crowdsourcing ideas for climate adaptation in public transport, evaluating on-demand transport solutions, developing social entrepreneurship policy, and developing future of work skills and capabilities.


SME@UTS is designed to help SMEs confidently invest in innovation and digital technologies. This integrated program provides SMEs with a progressive and customised pathway towards technology adoption and innovation. This concierge style service helps SMEs gain access to innovation expertise, research capabilities and world class technology facilities that will allow them to underpin their business growth. This masterclass is one of many that will be delivered at no cost to attend as part of the SME@UTS program, which is supported with funding contribution from the Commonwealth Department of Education.

About AMGC

The Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC) was established in 2015 as a key plank of the Australian Government’s Industry Growth Centre Initiative. Its goal is to drive innovation, productivity and competitiveness across Australia’s manufacturing industry. AMGC is an industry-led, not-for-profit organisation and is run by a board and management team of industry experts. It is connected with a nationwide network of manufacturers, universities and research institutions, and export hubs. The Centre’s role is to share its respected research on how the industry can transform to become more advanced. AMGC puts its research into action by engaging with manufacturers and universities in high-impact projects and export hub opportunities. AMGC encourages likeminded manufacturers and research institutions to join its ranks. Membership is open and free of charge to those who care about developing a more globally competitive manufacturing sector.

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