18 December 2020

The Victorian Prospect – December 2020

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As we approach the New Year, that metaphorical line in the sand has never felt more poignant. The 2020 zeitgeist will be unforgettable for a long time to come but in this last edition of the Victorian Prospect for this extraordinary year we’d like to focus on the positives.


What’s inside:
Dianne Smith reflects on her first six weeks as CEO with key takeaways including: focussing on what we ‘make at home’ is part of our ‘economic way forward’. In 2021, ICN Victoria will support this vision, and be focussed on where we have greatest impact to help grow jobs and local capability consequently. We aim to be a shining light for our clients, hence why we are optimistic about a bright future ahead.

Road to Recovery: Dianne Smith, Tariro Makwasha (Policy Implementation Manager) and Andrew Bradley (Industry Engagement Manager) joined Communications & Marketing Manager, Kate West for a Fireside Zoom Chat to talk about our collective optimism for 2021 and the role that ICN will play in the economic recovery. We have included links to Projects already listed on ICN Gateway and others announced in the Budget as well as tips on how to improve your ICN Gateway profile to help you start preparing.

The Local Jobs First Commissioner, Don Matthews shares his thoughts on two years in the Commissioner’s Office. “Reflecting on the last two years there have been many highlights but one that has been at the forefront and continues to drive the work we do is the ongoing support from the local industry.”

We introduce you to our Board members, with each answering the same four questions on the effects of the pandemic, what they love most about Victoria, how long they have been on the Board and what attracted them most to the position. We encourage you to check out the varied and fun answers.

Ross George, one of the co-owners of family-owned Geelong business Austeng joined our Geelong based Industry Adviser, Peter McCracken and Kate West for a Fireside Zoom Chat to talk resilience and innovation.

We wrap up the recent Social Procurement Showcase and detail some practical applications of the Social Procurement Framework. And finally, we introduce you to Head Start, the Victorian Government Department of Education program for apprenticeships and traineeships co-designed with business groups for secondary school students.

Thank you all for your support and enjoy the break!

More news

Queensland Government launches Battery Supply Chain Database to help manufactures identify opportunities on Gateway by ICN

The Queensland Government has taken a significant step towards bolstering the battery manufacturing industry with the launch of Australia’s first Battery Supply Chain Database.

Selling to Government – information on Australian Government procurement and contracting opportunities

The Department of Finance’s Selling to Government website provides information to support businesses understand how to participate in Australian Government procurement and contracting opportunities

Gateway by ICN

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