EOI User Guide

This guide is designed to help you through the EOI process. When submitting an expression of interest (EOI) you need to showcase your company’s capabilities to ensure you are considered for the job. You do this by making sure that your ICN profile is as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

Profile User Guide

This guide is designed to help you create a profile that increases your chances of appearing in searches and being put forward for work. The more we know about you the better we can match your profile with projects around Australia and New Zealand. Of course, if you still need help you can always give … Continued

Standard VIPP Process for Bidders

The Local Jobs First Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) is an industry development procurement policy established under the Victorian Industry Participation Policy Act 2003. The policy is designed to ensure local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are given full and fair opportunity to compete for Victorian government contracts, while still ensuring value for money, competitiveness … Continued

Creating a capability statement in ICN Gateway. A quick guide

Your ICN Gateway capability statement is a professionally-designed document which is automatically generated from the data in your company’s ICN Gateway profile. You can configure the information that will appear in your document, save and download a PDF of it, and link it to your company profile for visitors to ICN Gateway to access.

ICN Gateway Premium User Guide

ICN Gateway is Australia’s largest business networking platform. In an increasingly competitive market, ICN Gateway gives you access to a sophisticated business network that helps boost your business, with an immediate connection to billions of dollars’ worth of project opportunities. This guide is designed to help you create a company profile that increases the number … Continued

ICN Gateway Capability User Guide

ICN Gateway is Australia’s largest business networking platform. In an increasingly competitive market, ICN Gateway gives you access to a sophisticated business network that helps boost your business, with an immediate connection to billions of dollars’ worth of project opportunities.

Gateway by ICN

Use our powerful networking database to find your next project (big and small), or source the best suppliers across Australia and New Zealand.

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