Data & Systems
We offer data and systems that support local industry participation, local content considerations and assist with the project procurement process.
We play an integral role in providing automated workflows and accessible systems that collect data that is valuable to Government and Industry on project operations or performance.

Products and Services Research
ICN Victoria uses our expertise and industry knowledge to help strengthen local supply chains by offering services that identifies local capability.
We play an integral role delivering on Victorian Government policy that ensures Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are given full and fair opportunity to compete for work on major projects and supports industry to create jobs.
Industry Capability Assessment (ICA)
ICA is ICN Victoria’s engagement process with suppliers to gather local capability data.
ICN Victoria identifies manufacturers and suppliers that can supply into different projects, depending on product and/or service specifications. This service includes:
- Creation of capability maps
- Providing an outline of products and/or services providers by location, capacity, and capability information
- Sector and market analyses
The information gathered is used to inform Government and Industry of local products and services available.
Supply Chain Mapping
We will undertake supply chain mapping to strengthen Buyer local capability knowledge.
Supplier Validation and Prequalification
We will undertake supplier assessments to validate and prequalify local suppliers to buyer requirements.
VMC (formerly Victorian
Management Centre)
VMC is ICN Victoria’s information management platform, an accessible end-to-end system that collects standard, complete and insightful data to support Government and Industry with policy, project delivery and performance.
VMC is ICN Victoria’s information management platform, an accessible end-to-end system that collects data to support Government and Industry with policy, project delivery and performance.
ICN Victoria is funded by the Victorian Government for VMC to provide:
- Automation of workflows for Local Jobs First and the Social Procurement Framework
- Support for local, social and sustainable outcomes, monitoring and reporting
Click here to access VMC and log in or set up an account. VMC is also accessible through the top menu bar.
Training Services
ICN Gateway Training
ICN Gateway Profile Improvement training sessions are offered to all Victorian industry. These sessions ensure profile accuracy, completeness, and effective structuring.
Our profile improvement services include:
Initial Profile Consultation
• Review of ICN Gateway profile
• Capability selections
• Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
• Email notification set-up
• Subscription options
Advanced Profile Improvement Session
• Second review of ICN Gateway profile
• Tailoring your profile
• Project and supplier directories
• How to submit an EOI
Interested parties can access the workshops in two ways: a one-on-one session or through an industry association.
To book a one-on-one consultation, please contact Tijana Gibson.
VMC Training
ICN Victoria provide monthly VMC training sessions for all users. The training includes information on capturing project requirements, monitoring, and reporting and leveraging the system for policy, project delivery and performance.
For upcoming training dates, please click on the relevant link:
Policy Training
ICN Victoria develop and deliver ongoing training sessions focused on informing and supporting industry and government’s understanding of the Local Jobs First Policy and Social Procurement framework. The training sessions highlight our commitment to help SMEs and local industry increase capability, capacity, and visibility across all sectors.
Business Improvement Workshops
ICN Victoria welcomes industry to participate in customised workshops that can be tailored to supporting business improvement processes, procurement, and project delivery.
Please contact, Andy Balmain for more details.
Monitoring and Reporting Service
ICN Victoria offers impact measurement services through agile, automated information management systems that support Government, lead contractors and SMEs, providing complete and insightful project data for local industry, social and sustainable outcomes, and jobs impact measurement.
Our systems collect, analyse and present local content and jobs data, providing a solution to some of the challenges in supply chain monitoring and reporting.
For more details, please contact Lynn Johnson.
For more information on any of the products and services listed here please contact us:
ICN Victoria | |
Phone | 03 9864 6700 |