ICN systems’ current security is well protected. This latest round of security improvements further enhances the high levels of security and adherence to the Australian Defence Security Guidelines.
ICN is committed to protecting our customers’ privacy and give them a safe online experience. ICNL Infrastructure Architect, Phil Allen has been working with Foresight Consulting for the last 12 weeks to further uplift the security of ICN Gateway and ICN Toolbox and it will be launched mid-November, 2020.
COVID-19 pandemic has been the catalyst for the increase in cyber-attacks globally as more people are working from home and online. Cybercriminals are deceiving more people to disclose their sensitive corporate information such as login credentials and passwords.
“Since the start of COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are experiencing higher than average security vulnerability globally,” Phil said.
“This security uplift will better protect our customers’ data from potential data breach attempts in these unprecedented times,” he added.
ICN systems’ current security is well protected. This latest round of security improvements further enhances the high levels of security and adherence to the Australian Defence Security Guidelines.
We always take extra steps to strengthen our security for the safety of our online users and subscribers.