In November 2020, the Tasmanian government launched its Advanced Manufacturing Action Plan 2024 (the Plan) to support growth in manufacturing and related sectors. A key action in the plan was for Tasmania to join ICN to help local businesses to identify and individually or collectively tender for project opportunities across Australia and New Zealand.
Tasmania re-joined the network as a member state mid-2021 and has been busy recruiting specialist staff and working with suppliers and project owners to roll out ICN in Tasmania. With ICN Tasmania now fully established and actively working with industry it’s clear to see the benefits that this brings..
ICN Limited Chair, Derek Lark has visited Tasmania to meet the team and see firsthand what Tasmanian businesses have to offer, “The Board and I have been very impressed with Tasmania’s industry capabilities, especially across the advanced manufacturing, renewable energy and major infrastructure sectors.”
Funded by the Tasmanian Government, ICN Tasmania is now working to help leverage local, national and international project opportunities for Tasmania subcontractors and suppliers. In the short time since joining the network hundreds of millions of dollars of opportunities have been promoted to Tasmanian businesses.
The Tasmanian branch has been established with a team of dedicated business, tendering and contracting advisers in place to help Tasmanian businesses win contracts on major government and civil projects across the defence, construction, mining, oil and gas, rail and manufacturing sectors.
“This is great news for businesses in Tasmania looking for new opportunities”, said Warren Jansen, CEO ICN Limited. “ICN is committed to supporting home -grown companies and has a national network of consultants to help link suppliers and opportunities.” Warren continued.
If you’re a project manager get in touch with your local ICN office to find out how you can save time and money in the procurement process and if you’re an SME looking to expand your business, make sure you register your details on ICN Gateway.
For more information, or to just get in touch with ICN Tasmania, email or by calling 1800 440 026.