P0008 National Airfields Works at RAAF Base Williamtown Project (Early Design Works) – many packages closing on 30 July
Downer EDI has been engaged as the Early Contractor Involvement Head Contractor (ECIHC) for Design Phase of the $100m P0008 Airfield Works at RAAF Williamtown. Construction Phase Services should be entered in August 2021, subject to Project Approvals.
This is a capital maintenance project delivered within the P0008 Program and focuses on maintaining the network of aircraft pavements, stormwater drainage and aeronautical ground lighting at RAAF Base Williamtown.
The ECIHC is seeking Registrations of Interest (ROI) from local subcontractors and suppliers to inform market pricing for delivery of the Works between 2021 to 2024.
There are many work packages available—from work safety officers, ground water works, environmental consultancy, geotechnical testing, asbestos removal and disposal, site civil works, landscaping, equipment hire, PPE, accommodations, electrical services, hydro excavations, and supplying concrete and steel reo and more. The full scope for these contracts closes on 30 July 2021. More information is available here or contact Dusko Bajic, ICN NSW Defence Industry Manager on +61 417 323 636 or via email to discuss this opportunity.
New England Solar Farm – 5 packages closing in July
Green Light, a subsidiary of Elecnor Australia, is the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor and is responsible for handling the ongoing operation and maintenance (O&M) for the New England solar farm, within Uralla Shire Council (USC) in the Northern Tablelands region of New South Wales.
Stage one includes a 400MWAC solar farm, 33/330kV Substation, and an operations and maintenance building (O&M Building). The solar farm will convert energy from solar radiation into electrical energy, which will then be fed into the electricity grid.
There are five packages that are closing in July: construction of O/M Buildings, LV Electrical Works, Hire of heavy construction equipment Telehandlers and Forklifts, Electrical Accessories, and UPS Supply and Delivery Only.
If your business wants to get involved, make sure to submit your Expression of Interest on ICN Gateway. If you want to know more, contact Dusko Bajic, ICN NSW Regional Manager on +61 417 323 636 or via email to discuss this opportunity.
New Sydney Fish Market – 2 new packages available Multiplex is working on the new Sydney Fish Market project, which will be purpose-built to expand and improve the functions of the existing markets—the largest of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere.
There are two new packages that are open: Precast Concrete Install (closing 30 August 2021) and Digital Signage (closing 17 September 2021). If your business wants to get involved, make sure to submit your Expression of Interest on ICN Gateway. If you want to know more, contact Thuy Ho, ICN NSW’s Senior Consultant for the Sydney Metropolitan region on +61 2 9927 3100 or via email.
Lockheed Martin AIR6500 Joint Battle Management and Integrated Air and Missile Defence System – 15 packages available until 31 JulyThe international $1b Project AIR 6500 is a Joint Air Battle Management System (JABMS) that will interconnect the many disparate platforms, systems and sensors across the air, land, sea, space, electromagnetic and cyber domains into a collaborative environment that provides shared situational awareness of the battlespace and the ability to rapidly plan responses to threats.
There are 15 work packages available for EOI and close on 31 July 2021, including data integration, environmental services, active and passive sensors, training/LVC, integrated logistics support and more. Lodge your EOI here or contact Dusko Bajic on +61 417 323 636 or via email to discuss this opportunity.
Boeing AIR 6500 – 9 packages closing 31 July
AIR6500 Phase 1 Joint Air Battle Management System (JABMS) will form the core architecture of the future ADF Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) capability to improve the accuracy and speed of ADF systems’ response to air and missile threats in the future.
Boeing Defence Australia is looking for EOIs in a range of mission systems areas, including core applications (EWBM and mission planning applications), enabling segments (AI, cyber defence, data analytics and simulations), and infrastructure (deployable facilities), as well as communications hardware and training management systems. These packages close on 31 July 2021 and more information is available on ICN Gateway.
Tweed Valley Hospital Development – 3 packages closing in July and August
Lendlease’s $673.3 million project will have a massive impact on the Tweed Valley community and will revolutionise health care in the wider Tweed-Byron region. The Early Works stage was completed in late 2020 and the Main Works stage (construction of the main hospital building) began in early 2021.
There are three packages available under Stage 2 Internal Fitout and Equipment. The works relates to internal painting, floor finished (vinyl and carpets) and joinery (bedheads) and close on 12 July, 19 July and 2 August 2021 respectively.
Lodge your EOI here or contact Dusko Bajic on +61 417 323 636 or via email to discuss this opportunity.
Projects closing by the end of 2021
Sydney Metro City and Southwest – Line Wide Works project
Systems Connect’s Sydney Metro is Australia’s biggest public transport project and is valued at $1.4B and is an unincorporated Joint Venture between CIMIC Group companies: CPB Contractors and UGL Engineering.
Systems Connect is looking for Indigenous-owned businesses offering any/various services or supply items that relate to this project. Indigenous Owned Business is defined as 50% or more owned by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person(s).
From the north west, the metro rail is being extended under Sydney Harbour, through new underground city stations and beyond to the south west. In 2024, Sydney will have 31 metro railway stations and a 66km standalone metro railway system, revolutionising the way Australia’s biggest city travels. Find out more at the project page on Gateway or contact Thuy Ho on +61 2 9927 3100 or via email.
Sydney Roads Asset Performance Contract – Harbour Zone
Connect Sydney is responsible for the Sydney Roads Asset Performance Contract – Harbour Zone. The contract aims to establish a ‘whole of asset life’ approach to road maintenance and construction, and will cover routine maintenance, tactical projects, network support and improvement works over 9 to 15 years.
There are a number of work packages available, including drain cleaning, graffiti removal, labour hire, loop cutting, maintenance, minor pavement repairs and heave patching, line marking, equipment hire and more. Take a look at the project page on ICN Gateway to see all of the work packages available, which close on 31 December 2021, or email Thuy Ho or give her a call on +61 2 9927 3100.
Port Botany Rail Line Duplication (including Cabramatta Loop) Project
Work packages are open for ARTC’s Port Botany Rail Duplication (including Cabramatta Loop) project. The Project aims to provide the capacity to meet predicted growth in the containerised freight task and support rail services between Port Botany and metropolitan freight intermodal terminals.
Packages available include various consultancy services, site survey and investigations and utilities enabling works, as well as both the Port Botany and Cabramatta Loop project design and construction contract. To find out more, email Thuy Ho or call her on +61 2 9927 3100, or visit the project page on ICN NSW.
Development of Bango Wind Farm
CWP Renewables is developing the $358m Bango Wind Farm project, which is located between Yass and Boorowa in NSW. The project includes the construction and operation of 46 wind turbines and associated infrastructure (including a substation and transformers, underground and overhead cabling, operations and maintenance facility and access tracks). The EPC Contract has been awarded to General Electric International Inc.
Work Packages currently available to submit an EOI include accommodation, equipment hire, fabrication and machining supplies, events, permanent and temp construction site accommodations, plumbing, PPE, IT support, rigging and lifting, scaffolding services and more. If you want to know more, check out the project page or email Wally Hirsch, ICN NSW’s Illawarra/South East Regional Manager, or call him on +61 42 700 0719.
Long lead projects
Lockheed Martin Future Space and Communications Programs in ANZ
Lockheed Martin Australia, Space business area is taking a ‘whole of business’ portfolio approach to potential Australian industry companies, offering a longer-term pipeline for potential partners that can deliver world class Australian capabilities and demonstrate value-for-money. This is a long-term project and is valued at $100m-$6b.
There are many general EOI submissions and work packages covering everything from space vehicles, payloads, launch services and ground station and system activities, to SATCOM management systems, system engineering, ICT and training. Check out all of the opportunities on the project’s ICN Gateway page. Contact Ian Hudson on +61 2 9927 3100 or via email to discuss these opportunities.
Northrop Grumman Joint Data Network (Multi-Tactical Data Link Network (MTN)) Program
Northrop Grumman Australia is committed to maximising opportunities for Australian industry involvement through the acquisition and sustainment phases of the Joint Data Network Program. The $500m-$1b project is in pre-tender phase and the MTN sub-program comprises several capability elements that will be designed, developed and delivered over the next five to 10 years with follow-on sustainment requirements.
This program seeks to establish a network of multiple tactical data links (TDL), and requires software to manage and monitor the system. Northrop Grumman Australia is conducting a market search for Australian suppliers that can manage, monitor, service and supply Tactical Data Link networks and supporting infrastructure.
EOIs are open for a number of capability elements: Link capability upgrades (Element 3), Inclusion of additional message format (Element 4), Joint Network Integration Centre (Element 5), Future JDN/TDL Capability Development (Element 6) and Joint Data Network Capability Governance (Element 7). Check out the project page to find out more or contact Dusko Bajic on +61 417 323 636 or via email to discuss this opportunity.
BAE Systems Australia Global Access Program
In response to the Australian Government’s Global Supply Chain initiative, BAE Systems Australia established the Global Access Program (GAP) in 2012. GAP
is built upon supply and demand principles and focusses on providing export opportunities. BAE Systems’ team engages with program managers and procurement professionals across their global business to identify sources of demand which an Australian company may be able to service. It also engages widely with Australian industry to ensure they have a detailed knowledge of local capability and export ambitions.
In addition to identifying opportunities and providing introductions, BAE Systems’ GAP team also offers companies mentoring and assistance through their supplier training programs. There’s more information on the project here.
Australia JP9711-1 Core Simulation Capability (CSimC) Australia
Lockheed Martin Australia’s $250m JP9711 Project presents an opportunity for Australian industry to take part in an exciting and strategically important program to build and maintain an enduring and regionally superior Australian capability with an opportunity to enter export markets. Opportunities for Australian industry will centre on ICT Systems and Services, and Simulation Services.
The Project will provide the services required to deliver a Core Simulation Capability that will provide critical training support to the future force through a significant upgrade and expansion of its simulation capability. Find out more about this opportunity on ICN Gateway or contact Dusko Bajic on +61 417 323 636 or email him to discuss this opportunity.