17 February 2013

ICN welcomes Australian Government’s new plan for Australian jobs

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Industry Capability Network (ICN) Limited’s Chairman, David McLachlan, has welcomed Prime Minister Gillard’s announcement to boost Australian innovation, productivity and competitiveness with a $1 billion investment.

Mr McLachlan said the Australian Government’s Industry and Innovation Statement, A Plan for Australian Jobs, will further strengthen ICN’s ability to help Australian firms win contracts that otherwise may have gone overseas.

“Since it started 28 years ago, ICN has helped local companies win more than $20 billion worth of contracts,” he said.

“Using our expert knowledge in procurement networks, technology platforms and Australian Industry Participation Plans, ICN has demonstrated the real benefit that comes from local businesses working together to support and keep jobs in Australia.

“We are always working for the best outcome for local industry and we look forward to working with the Government to help implement this new plan for Australian jobs,” David concluded.

A Plan for Australian Jobs, the Australian Government’s Industry and Innovation Statement was released 17 February 2013.


Media contact: Nicole Kettniss on 0413 929 302 or Rebecca Pooley on 0432 376 654.

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