26 March 2020

Gateway Page | Northern Territory Opportunities

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COVID-19 is already damaging our economy and now more than ever it is crucial to support local industry. We can start by promoting available business opportunities.

The Industry Capability Network (ICN) Northern Territory in support of initiatives by the Northern Territory Government and other industry bodies, has established a portal to assist local businesses to engage local suppliers.

The portal, established on ICN’s online Gateway platform, will connect local Territory businesses to opportunities of all sizes.

Local businesses are encouraged to submit any business opportunities or problem statements for promotion to the local business community. Local suppliers are encouraged to express interest against the ‘Any opportunities’ package of work, to be notified of opportunities as they are published.

To list an opportunity on the portal businesses will need to:

  • Download and complete the ‘Opportunity Listing Template’ available in the Project Documents on the page
  • Email the completed form to ntopportunities@icncopynt.org.au

Once assessed, your opportunity will be listed on the page and open for expressions of interest and/or direct business contact.

ICN NT is running this initiative free of charge to support local businesses during these challenging times.

Visit the Northern Territory Opportunites portal here: ntopportunities.icn.org.au

Kevin Peters
Chief Executive Officer
Industry Capability Network (NT)

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