1 February 2022

NT Newsletter – February 2022

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Darwin has long sought to achieve its ambition as the Gateway to Asia! Many obstacles have emerged, largely relating to freight costs and population based issues. However, it could soon be that the Gateway is reality – albeit sub-sea.

We currently have gas pipelines terminating at Santos’ Wickham Point DLNG facility and INPEX’s Blayden Point plant. Santos has now begun the pre-planning process for a duplicate pipeline emanating from their new Barossa field north of the Tiwi Islands.

However, the hope is the underwater highway will be extending further north well into Asia. The Sun Cable solar project starts with a massive solar farm in central Australia and departs our shores via underwater cable at Gunn Point destined for Singapore.

The traditional commodity of gas is now being merged with data in terms of economic contributions. I’m struggling somewhat trying to keep up with data hub announcements and the sub-sea data network developments which greatly expand their market potential. What I do understand, however, is that this Gateway to Asia is highly prospective and extremely exciting.

Kevin Peters

Chief Executive Officer

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