The first report by the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission (TERC) was handed down this month. The Commission, headed by former Chief Minister Paul Henderson and Darwin born and raised international industry heavyweight Andrew Liveris, outlined some high level opportunities for the Northern Territory to invest in infrastructure which would have a return on investment for industry and the Government itself.
The establishment of a solar generated energy industry capable of exporting power both nationally and internationally and the usage of our gas to establish a downstream manufacturing base are examples of the opportunities the Northern Territory must aspire to.
The thinking behind this strategy is nothing new for any strategically adept business. No business is going to invest without the surety of a return and this is precisely what the Territory should do. The ideas contained in this report present an exciting prospect for the Northern Territory’s future. The challenge now is to get the ball rolling in an environment of economic stress; it is not a strategy for the weak hearted but cutting costs alone with the debt levels rising as they are will not be sufficient to repair our economy.
Kevin Peters
Chief Executive Officer
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