You may already be aware that Transgrid’s board has now financially committed to the construction of EnergyConnect, the new transmission link from Wagga Wagga in NSW to Robertstown in South Australia, via Buronga.
EnergyConnect will deliver significant benefits for NSW Electricity customers, the NSW economy and the National Electricity Market.
These benefits include:
- Savings for NSW customers of around $180 million a year, or up to $64 annually on an average household electricity bill
- Creating 1,500 jobs during construction
- Contributing a further $4 billion in economic activity for NSW
- A more secure electricity system at times of high demand and extreme weather events
- Downward pressure on wholesale electricity prices through greater supply, diversity and competition
- Facilitating investment in and connection of more renewable, zero carbon generation in NSW
What this means on the ground?
TransGrid and our construction partners SecureEnergy are committed to ensuring communities and businesses share in the opportunities created by the project, as well as maximising employment and training opportunities in regional NSW.
Connect with the project via ICN Gateway
Industry Capability Network will be assisting the project to identify local business’s with the capability to support the project and will be calling for expressions of interest via ICN Gateway.
Industry Capability Network Regional Manager, Geoff Reardon, is looking to identify businesses in the region interested in working with and/or supplying to the project.
The project will be looking to engage with many different types of business. Geoff will be heading to the region over the coming months.
If you would like speak with Geoff Reardon in relation to the project, please make contact via email or give him a call on 0402 632 027.
Media Source: Mirage News – Opportunity for businesses to supply for energy project