EnergyConnect is the nation’s largest transmission project, involving the construction of 900km of new transmission lines between the electrical grids of NSW, SA and VIC. Connecting the power grids of three Australian states increases system strength and provides access to renewable generators, driving competition in the wholesale electricity market. The interconnector is a key element of the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Integrated System Plan and the NSW Government has declared it Critical State Significant Infrastructure.
Transgrid’s delivery partner for EnergyConnect is a joint venture between Clough and Elecnor known as SecureEnergy Joint Venture (SEJV). Transgrid and SecureEnergy are delivering the NSW component of the project which includes the construction of 700km of new power lines from the SA border to the regional energy hub of Wagga Wagga, saving NSW energy customers $180 million a year and generating up to 1,500 new jobs. Supporting infrastructure will also be built or upgraded, including a new substation between Buronga and Wagga Wagga.
The project will take 2.5 years to plan and build and is expected to be operational from 2024.
SecureEnergy is collaborating with the NSW Government’s Business Connect and Industry Capability Network (ICN), NSW to help regional businesses become pre-qualified for work on the EnergyConnect Project. Works packages are found on the Industry Capability Network (ICN) website at
SecureEnergy is committed to supporting capacity building of regional NSW suppliers for the EnergyConnect Project. It recognises businesses might need help to develop non-technical capability to provide services, either directly or indirectly through the primary contractors performing work on the project.
SecureEnergy is using the ICN Gateway to establish a mid-tier supplier panel. This ensures companies can apply for a “partial scope’’ against the relevant work package and helps local and regional companies become project-ready.
“If you’re interested in submitting an expression of interest, you’ll need to address some of SecureEnergy’s prequalification requirements,” ICN NSW Murray/Riverina Regional Manager, Geoff Reardon, said.
“This includes questions about your company’s financial wellbeing, safety, quality and industrial relations. The answers you give will help to determine what help you may need.”
To qualify, the business must be located in the following Local Government Areas (LGA):
- Balranald Shire Council
- Edward River Council
- Federation Council
- Hay Shire Council
- Lockhart Shire Council
- Murray River Council
- Murrumbidgee Council
- Wagga Wagga City Council
- Wentworth Shire Council
“If your business meets the pre-qualification criteria, it will be placed on the mid-tier supplier panel, which will be accessible to primary contractors. You will also have access to a central communications portal, managed by ICN, for information about available training, resources and RFT/RFQ announcement,” Geoff Reardon said.
To register an expression of interest, go to the EnergyConnect Gateway page.
For more information go to the SEJV website: or contact: