Kalyu was founded in 2019 by Palyku Traditional Owner Jake Milroy and a partner. The team has since expanded operations and continued to build their brand. The company has grown at a rapid pace since selling bulk sanitising and hygiene products during the pandemic where there was a national shortage, to becoming a tier 1 supplier of water treatment and processing chemicals to the mining companies of Western Australia’s Pilbara region.
“Kalyu really got going when FMG (Fortescue Metals Group) gave us the opportunity to take on chemical supply for all of their sites, ” owner operator Jake Milroy explains. Jake also stated that Kalyu’s focus is on developing career pathways for local Indigenous people and establishing a chemical manufacturing facility. Kalyu aims to launch its Indigenous trainee program this year, providing new talent to the chemical manufacturing industry for development.
During the past two years, forming strategic relationships has been integral to their success. “Our vision of increasing opportunities for Aboriginal people and establishing a chemical manufacturing facility resonates with our clients, but also our capability partners as there’s been overwhelming support,” Jake said. “Our partnership with Australian owned chemical manufacturing giant Environex has played a major role in our success. Their passion and commitment to Indigenous business and talent development aligns strongly with ours.”
More recently, through ICN Gateway’s Shell opportunity for Supply of Chemicals, Kalyu has been working closely with Shell to strengthen and de-risk the complex supply chain needed for the offshore sector. A business improvement that will benefit all their clients. “Starting as a business with no track history, to becoming a tier 1 supplier in the space of 2 years is incredible. It demonstrates that major companies will take on Indigenous entrepreneurs with a strong vision and a ‘never give up attitude’ who are dedicated to providing value,” said Jake.