26 March 2020

COVID-19 Response

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Last Sunday was a significant day for Australia, with the Prime Minister announcing new shut downs in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19. We recognise the impact that this has not only on ICN as a Network but also for many Australian small businesses.
ICN is working with Australian governments at various levels and we welcome the second wave of stimulus measures announced by the government directed at small businesses. We also recognise importance of having a strong supply chain, now more than ever to ensure that the community continues to receive key services and products.
ICN is looking at ways in which we can support these measures and have developed a portal aimed at allowing suppliers to register their interest to provide key goods and services, and to enable us to identify gaps in supply chains and how we can assist in filling theses gaps.
This portal provides a mechanism to collate and address those needs, as well as linking suppliers with other forums that are seeking these capabilities, all in one place.
For more information please go to ICN Gateway where you can also submit your EOI.
Our entire Network is committed to servicing our clients, industry and government at a time when it’s more important than ever to strengthen and support local supply chains.
Our online platform, ICN Gateway remains fully operational. Please contact the Industry Adviser listed on any of the project pages for assistance or contact 1300 961 139 or email info@icncopy.
We are continually monitoring the situation and will adapt as necessary. Our way of life has changed for the time being and now more than ever we need to work together, from a distance, to help flatten the curve.

Derek Lark
Executive Officer, ICNL

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Selling to Government – information on Australian Government procurement and contracting opportunities

The Department of Finance’s Selling to Government website provides information to support businesses understand how to participate in Australian Government procurement and contracting opportunities

Gateway by ICN

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