21 October 2021

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Capability Profile

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About Notifications

How to set up proper notifications which are relevant to my business capabilities?
  • Under the ‘Business Profile’ Heading, select the ‘Notification Preferences’ page. Under ‘Major Projects’, tick the box for ‘New Major Project Work Packages’.
  • Select the regions in which you can readily provide capability
  • In the ‘Search and add capabilities’ box, type the keyword that are relevant to your business capabilities:
    • Click ‘Search’ button
    • Any relevant capabilities will be highlighted in yellow, if it is relevant to your capabilities, tick the box
    • Click ‘Next’ under the search box if there is more than one capability
  • Click Save Notifications button after you have set up your notifications
  • If you can not find any capabilities from the list, try different words. For example, you cannot find “fence” in the capabilities list, then try “fencing”.
  • If none of the capabilities are relevant to your business capabilities, try to find the closest one and tick the box. You can always reduce the number of capabilities if you receive too many irrelevant notifications.
  • Some of the capabilities are listed under different industries. In order to not limit your notifications setting, we suggest you tick all of these capabilities. For example, “Security” is under Construction & Engineering, Defence, IT & Communications, Oil, Gas & Energy. So go through these capabilities first, then you can choose to tick the box for all, or some, of them.
  • If you keep on receiving irrelevant email alerts about the new opportunities, go back to your Notification setting to untick those irrelevant capabilities
  • Try not to tick everything in one industry, which might lead you to receive a lot of irrelevant email notifications.

About Subscription

What are the main benefits to keep my profile as a FREE member?

As a free member, you can receive the following benefits from ICN:

  • Search for any projects and work packages
  • Receive email notifications about new opportunities
  • Register your interest for any work packages
  • Receive assistance from ICN consultant for project discussion or get advice about your business profile
  • Have ICN regional consultant visit your site to understand your capabilities and discuss potential opportunities in your region
  • Be invited to project briefing event or business network

About Capability Profile

Why should I complete my capability profile to 100%?

Your capability profile is just like a resume, it will tell ICN consultants and project proponents who you are, what you are doing, and your business capabilities and capacities. Hence, a 100% complete profile is crucial to give us a clear and full picture about your business. We also recommend you login to ICN Gateway to update your information from time-to-time, especially your company contacts and office locations.

How to write an effective company summary in my ICN Gateway profile?

The ‘Summary’ is one of the most important fields you will complete. After a search, this is usually the first field our consultants will see. Likewise, when you have submitted an EOI, this field is provided to the buyer as the “first impression” of your business. Therefore, make sure it clearly states what your company does and that it differentiates your business from your competitors. Keep it punchy too – if it is too long no one will read it.

Can I upload my own capability statement to my Gateway profile?

You can’t, but if you have a Be Compelling or Premium subscription, you can create a capability statement. Click the link below to get more information about how to create your very own capability statement with ICN https://gateway.icn.org.au/public/capability-promo.

What is the correct format when adding a company location on ICN Gateway?
  • Type in your street number and name in the ‘Business Address’ box.
  • Select your address from the dropdown list.
Why are acknowledgment letters a benefit to all Gateway users?

If you win work as a result of the connection ICN helps you to make, we request that you send us a letter of acknowledgment. This is a simple form that provides evidence of our work to our funders, so that ICN continues to be funded. And then we might be able to help with more connections. What goes around, comes around!

About Accreditation, Licenses and Insurances

Why do I need an ISO certification and to be uploaded to ICN Gateway particularly for a Defence project?

To increase your success in working in the Defence industry, there are some import standards, certifications, and accreditations you need to consider:

  • ISO 9001 — Quality Management Systems: A quality management system compliant with ISO 9001 or AS/NZS 9001 is usually a mandatory requirement for doing business with Defence and with any major manufacturers or suppliers.
  • Defence Industry Security Program (DISP): DISP is a pre-requisite for Australian businesses wanting to work with Defence-relevant information rated as ‘Protected’ or above. DISP membership sets out governance, personnel, physical and cyber security requirements depending on the nature of the organisation’s business. Having DISP certification can lead to businesses getting increased opportunities to work with the Department of Defence and gaining easier access to Defence security services.
  • AS 9100 Rev D — Quality Management Systems: Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defence Organisations – AS 9100 Rev D encompasses ISO 9001 and specifies additional aviation, space and Defence industry requirements. This can be useful for any business operating in the aerospace sector.

Hence, we recommend that you upload your certifications to your ICN gateway profile. It will show how serious you are about your aspirations when registering an EOI in a Defence project.

Source: https://business.gov.au/cdic/news-for-defence-industry/is-your-business-qualified-to-work-in-the-defence-industry

How to upload my company licenses, certifications and insurances?
  • After you login to ICN Gateway, select ‘Documents’ in the menu bar
  • Select ‘Certifications/ Insurances/ Licenses’
  • Type in certification/license name/title, such as ISO 9001
  • Select one certification/license from the dropdown list
  • Fill up all other fields
  • Upload your document
  • Click ‘Save Changes’ button
Why can I not upload a certificate, license, or insurance document?

There might be many reasons that you cannot upload your document:

  • If your document is not issued by the state government, you can not upload your document.
  • If you cannot find any certification or license from the dropdown list, send us a copy, we will verify your document before we give you permission to upload your document.
  • If you cannot upload your new document, check if you still have the expired document in your profile. Make sure you have removed all your expired documents before you upload new documents to your profile.
*To view more Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about projects, work packages & EOI(s), click here.

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