21 October 2021

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Projects, Work Packages & EOI(s)

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About Projects 

If I have any questions about the project, who should I talk to?

ICN consultants are available to help you with the EOI process. If you have any questions relating to a project, we encourage you to call or email the consultant. You can find the consultant’s details on the right-hand side of the ‘Project’ page.

If you just have a general question or are having difficulty with using the system, please call the ICN Helpdesk on 1300 961 139.

Can ICN share project proponent contact details with me?

ICN cannot provide the project proponent contact details to you. However, if you have any questions about a project or work package, you can contact ICN project consultant to discuss. Their contact details can be found on the project page, in the ‘Contact Details’ section.

Why is ICN not involved in all projects?

When a project page is listed on ICN Gateway, it is done at the request of the buyer. If the buyer does not wish to engage with any new suppliers for a project or just for certain work packages, you won’t find them on ICN Gateway. When you submit an EOI on ICN Gateway it will always be provided to the project proponents for assessment.

Where does ICN fit in the project cycle?

ICN fits in project cycle

About Work Packages

Where can I find the work package list for a project?

After you open an ICN Gateway ‘Project’ page, there are two or three tabs under the project name. These are ‘Project Overview’, ‘Work Packages’ and ‘Associated Opportunities’. To access the Work Packages, click the ‘Work Packages’ tab. You can see the full list of the work packages. If the work package status shows ‘Open’, you can click ‘Create EOI’ button to submit your EOI. Don’t forget to click on the ‘+’ button next to the Work Package name as there is often further information about the work package contained here.

Where can I find the scope of works/documentation for the work package?

If there is a scope of works available for a Work Package, ‘Scope Doc’ will appear in the Documents column next to the Work Package.  Click ‘Scope Doc’ to download the work package document.

Who should register for “Full” and who for ”Partial Scope”?

If you submit an EOI for ‘Full Scope’, it is indicating that, based on the information provided, you believe that your company would be able to complete all of the work packages. However, sometimes a ‘Partial Scope’ EOI is available. This is for when your company cannot complete all of the requirements for the work package but can complete some of them.

Why you should complete a work package questionnaire?

Work package questionnaires are requested by buyers. They are part of your EOI submission. If you don’t complete those questionnaires, your EOI submission will not be passed on to the project proponent. Therefore, please make sure you have completed all the questions against each work package. If you can’t complete all of the questionnaires in one hit, you can save your answers and come back to finish and submit them any time before the work package closing date.

Why is there only a limited number of work packages available/open for a major project? When will new work packages come out?

ICN is provided with a list of work packages by the project proponent and these are added to the project page on ICN Gateway. If there is only a small number of work packages it might be for one of two reasons:

  • The project proponent has already awarded some work packages. This might be done during the tendering stage.
  • The opening date has not yet been reached. Each work package will have its own open date provided by the project proponent. When the open date arrives, you will see the work package on ICN Gateway and can submit EOIs. As new work packages are released on ICN Gateway, you will receive an email alert if you have set up your notifications for that type of work.

About EOI(s)

What is the procedure after I submit my EOI(s)?

You will immediately receive an email that confirms your EOI has been submitted. The EOI then sits in the system until an ICN consultant extracts a project EOI. The report is forwarded to the project proponent. It includes your company summary, location and registrant contact details. If questions were asked during the EOI submission process, your answers are also included in the report. ICN forwards every EOI to the project proponent, but in some cases ICN will highlight the EOIs that meet certain criteria requested by the proponent.

After the project proponent reviews the EOI report, they select the suppliers who will be contacted for prequalification or tender/quotation.

The project proponent will contact the selected suppliers directly. ICN will provide feedback to the unsuccessful suppliers when the project proponent is able to provide that information.

Does ICN provide feedback for my EOI submission/s?

Once ICN receives any feedback from the project proponent, ICN will email the feedback to the EOI Registrant (the person who submitted the EOI).

How can I get the information about a work package awarded to a company?

There are two ways to find awarded work packages. The first is to periodically check against the Work Package after the Work Package close date. When you see the work package status shows ‘Awarded’, you will be able to click on the ‘+’ sign to see which company won the work, if ICN has been advised. The other way is to simply subscribe to our newsletter, as we announced awarded contracts through the newsletter each month.

* To view more Frequent Asked Questions(FAQ) about Capability Profile on ICN Gateway, click here.


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Phone +61 2 6285 2033 (outside Australia)
Email helpdesk@icncopy