Q: What is the procedure after I submit my EOI(s)?

A: You will immediately receive an email that confirms your EOI has been submitted. The EOI then stays in the system until an ICN Consultant extracts a project EOI report.

The report is forwarded to the project proponent. It includes your company summary, location and registrant contact details.

If questions were asked during the EOI submission process, then your answers are included in the report.

We forward every EOI to the project proponent, but in some cases we will highlight the EOIs that meet certain criteria requested by the proponent.

After the project proponent reviews the EOI report, they select the suppliers that will be contacted for prequalification or tender/quotation.

The project proponent will contact the selected suppliers directly. ICN will provide feedback to the unsuccessful suppliers when the project proponent is able to provide that information.


To view more Q&A, click here.


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