A major Iron Ore producer was experiencing issues with conventional belt cleaning technologies. Dynapumps was assigned to design and construct high-pressure spraying systems to replace all the mechanical scraping equipment.

Third-party reports found that conveyor belts are the number one contributor to dust pollution in Port Hedland. Any miners wishing to increase their throughput must not increase their current operating levels of dust, adhering to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) strict regulatory guidelines. Lastly, the head end of the conveyor chute was frequently subject to high vibration while in operation.

To solve these issues, Dynapumps selected the Hydra-Cell G25 Series Diaphragm Pump for this application. By utilising Hydra-Cell’s seal-less technology, along with a self-tensioning belt drive, Dynapumps solved the problems associated with the vibration. The modular skids were fabricated and tested at the new Dynapumps facility in Kenwick, Western Australia.

Today the maintenance costs are drastically reduced as the high-pressure water does not inflict damage on the conveyor belt whilst mitigating dust, allowing the operator to gain approval to expand their throughput.

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