Building Equality Policy

The Victorian Government has implemented theBuilding Equality Policy to create training and employment opportunities for women through government procurement on building, infrastructure, civil engineering any other capital works projects.

The policy is implemented through the Social Procurement Framework and aligns with the Women’s equality and safety objective.

The policy applies to all publicly funded construction projects that meet the following requirements:

  • Valued at $20 million or more (excluding GST).
  • Request for Tenders released after 1 January 2022.

In the 2022-2023 calendar years, the BEP was subject to a two-year transitional compliance period, which has been extended by six months to allow non-compliance to be managed through education and awareness.

Visit the ICN Building Equality Policy webpage.

Reporting requirements  

Reporting will be captured in the Victorian Management Centre.

The Victorian Government worked with the ICN Victoria to develop a joint reporting platform that is used for the LJF and SPF policies, including BEP.



Social procurement objectives

1.  Opportunities for Victorian Aboriginal people

2. Opportunities for Victorians with disability

3. Women’s equality and safety

4. Opportunities for priority jobseekers

5. Supporting safe and fair workplaces

6. Sustainable Victorian social enterprise and Aboriginal business sectors

7. Sustainable Victorian regions

Sustainable procurement objectives

8. Environmentally sustainable outputs

9. Environmentally sustainable business practices

10. Implementation of the Climate Change Policy Objectives

Responding to tenders

The policy requires suppliers to undertake the following:  

  • Action 1: Meet project specific gender equality targets.  
  • Action 2: Engage women as apprentices, trainees and cadets.
  • Action 3: Implement gender equality action plans (GEAPs).

 Tenderers are required to address how they will meet or exceed the targets in Action 1 and Action 2 and submit the following with their tender for Action 3:  

  • an Organisation Wide Gender Equality Action Plan. 
  • a Project Specific Gender Equality Action Plan.  

 When responding to tenders that have Building Equality Policy targets, Tenderers must:  

  • Provide their responses in the Response Schedules.
  • Provide commitments in the Social Procurement Commitment Proposal.


  • Trade covered labour: women are required to perform at least 3% of the total estimated hours of work for each trade position.
  • Non-trade Construction Award covered labour: women are required to perform at least 7 % of the total estimated hours of work for each non-trade Construction Award covered labour position.
  • Management/supervisory and specialist labour (staff): women are required to perform at least 35 % of the total estimated hours of work for each management/supervisory and specialist labour (staff) position.
    • Contractors must engage women as apprentices and trainees for at least 4% of the contract works’ total estimated labour hours.

An occupation list for each category is located on the Buying for Victoria website.


ICN Victoria Social
Procurement Program

The ICN Social Procurement Program supports SPF to deliver Victorian employment and economic outcomes. The program supports Agencies and industry working on projects and procurement with the requirement for local, social and sustainable outcomes by increasing awareness and education, maximising Victorian supply chain engagement and Victorian jobs as well as providing local, social and sustainable data insights through our flagship system, VMC.




Social Procurement in Action

Industry Advisers

Profile photo for Tayla Holland
Building Equality Policy Industry Adviser

Tayla Holland

Tayla brings a wealth of experience and a passion for promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion to the role. Her gender equality background in international development and engagement with industry and Government from past roles such as Jobs Victoria has equipped her with the skills and insights to drive meaningful change and foster an inclusive environment for women in construction on the Government funded Building Equality Program. Tayla’s expertise and commitment will be instrumental in advancing ICN Victoria’s goals and delivering impactful outcomes in the construction sector.

Connect with Tayla on LinkedIn


Social Procurement Framework and Local Jobs First Reporting

Reporting requirements  

Reporting will be captured in the Victorian Management Centre.

The Victorian Government worked with the ICN Victoria to develop a joint reporting platform that is used for the LJF and SPF policies, including BEP.

Social Procurement Assessment Tool

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